Our client, Jasper C, is passionately involved in supporting youth development on the Tall Ship Alma Doepel that is under restoration at the Docklands, Melbourne to enable the resumption of voyages. The ship also is being modified to enable young people with disabilities to participate in multi-day voyages.
The challenges of tall ship voyages provide unique benefits and life-changing experiences for both disadvantaged and ‘at-risk’ young people as well as for young emerging leaders.
Alma Doepel is owned by Sail & Adventure Limited, a registered charity with tax deductible gift status (DGR1). Sail & Adventure is committed to both the preservation of the Alma Doepel for future generations and the development of young people through sail training programs on her. Built in Bellingen in NSW in 1903, Alma Doepel is Australia’s oldest wooden tall ship with a rich history of maritime service, including as an Army Ketch during WW2. More details can be found at the Alma Doepel website HERE.

Jasper’s involvement with Alma Doepel commenced in the 1990s when his son gained life-long benefits from participation in a 9-day youth development voyage and who then became an active volunteer crew member and worked in other support roles. During that period Jasper participated in a voyage for adults on Alma Doepel which included climbing to the top of a mast.
Jasper is a member of the Sail & Adventure Board’s Fundraising Committee and of the Voyage Programs Working Group that is working on the design of best practice tall ship youth development programs for voyages on Alma Doepel.
If you would like to support the restoration of Alma Doepel and the resumption of youth development voyages, one option is to make a tax-deductible donation of $2 or more, including making donations for specific items as highlighted within the donations tab on the Alma Doepel website HERE.
A second option for tax-deductible donations is by sponsoring the restoration of a part of the ship. Where the restoration of a part of the ship is sponsored, a recognition plaque will be fixed to the item sponsored. Sponsorship of parts of the ship starts at $3,500. A full list of parts available for sponsorship is in a Sponsorship Prospectus. The Prospectus also details the history of the Alma Doepel, the restoration process, and the benefits of youth development programs. A copy of the Sponsorship Prospectus can be found HERE.
Jasper would be pleased to respond to any questions about Alma Doepel and the related youth development programs. He would also be pleased to make a presentation to organisations such as Rotary Clubs about the history of the Alma Doepel, the restoration and youth development. He can be contacted via your advisor at Whittle & Skok.
Thank you in advance for any assistance that you can provide to the funding of this exciting project.
Edward Skok CEO